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Best practice in interlocking the simple motion modules in any Mitsubishi PLC platforms?


There are multiple conditions for a move to be processed, in the motion controllers (IQ-F, IQ-R, IQ, L):
1. Servo on
2. No errors
3. Home has been completed
4. the motion is not busy
5. He has servo homed in a jog circuit that is not necessary
6. His move position has no interlocks for servo ready and home competed
7. The way I do this is when the servo is on and no errors then I have a servo ready bit that I interlock with any move commands
8. Also there are busy bits that before starting I check to make sure it is not busy
9. You can not do more than one command at a time.
10. I use below IO to see if there is any error and if the axis is busy. This is more of a start condition than a interlock being that when asking to move the busy bit will change state.

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