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Setting Up Mitsubishi iQ-R or iQ-F (FX5) PLC as a Modbus/TCP Server

Bryon Sol


Whether you have an FX5 (iQ-F) series PLC or an iQ-R series PLC, both of these can be easily set up as a Modbus/TCP Server with just a few clicks.  On the iQ-R you will either need an RxxENCPU which provides an add-on ethernet port (and set it up as Ethernet) or an RJ71EN71 card to add more ethernet ports as the function is not available via the built-in Ethernet port.  However on the FX5 it works through the built in port.

There are basically two steps:

1.  Add the connection to External Device Configuration
2. Set up the register sharing map (if you don't want the default)

Step 1:  Enabling Modbus/TCP Server via adding a connection in External Device Configuration.

Go to the Ethernet Module Parameters and go into External Device Configuration:


On this screen simply drag and drop a Modbus/TCP Connection Module onto your network.


Finally, take note of the port number that the Client will use, you can change it if you desire.  Then click "Close with Reflecting the Setting" at the top.



Step 2:  Set up the register Map

Go to Device Assignement -> Detailed Settings


By default, almost every register and bit is available through Modbus/TCP.  You can change and adjust as desired.

Here's the default setup and as you can see Register D0 is mapped to Holding Register 0.  And all 12288 D registers in the PLC are exposed.


Here's an example of a change where I have set up D1000 through D1499 as Holding Registers 0 through 499, and D1500 through D1999 as Input Registers 0 through 499.  You can read input registers, but not write to them.  And you can both read and write Holding Registers.  I also set the allocation points to 0 for Y devices, otherwise you could try to turn on outputs directly from Modbus.


After setting your map up, click OKAY on the bottom of the window and then click APPLY at the bottom of the parameter widow.

Then write your parameters to your PLC and do a power cycle (power off and back on) to activate the new parameters and now your PLC is working as a Modbus/TCP Server.



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