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Display Four Previous Images in In-Sight 1.0.0

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1 Screenshot

About This File

I was recently asked if it was possible to show the last 4 images on a VisionView.  The solution I came up with was to use the LatchImage and ScaleImage functions in Spreadsheet in order to overlay images on top of the main image for display purposes.

While this has it's limitations, it provided the customer what they needed in their application.

Overall it looks like this:

Step 1:
Create a Count function to keep a rolling count of images:


Step 2: Add Latching Logic (4x), notice this points to our Count cell.


Step 3:  Add LatchImage Functions (4x)


Step 4: Add ScaleImage Functions (4x)


Step 5: Add Text Overlays to indicate which image is which:


Step 6:  Link to the checkbox for turning on/off this display.



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